Alexander BuCher

Written by Alexander BuCher

Licensed Professional Counselor | Youngstown State University

Updated & Fact Checked: 11.20.2024

Arkansas is located in the South Central region of the United States. Home to the Ouachita and Ozark Mountains, it boasts a diverse manufacturing, agriculture, and tourism economy. Despite its varied economy, Arkansas is among the top ten states with the worst mental health

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), 457,000 adults and 35,000 Arkansans aged 12-17 experience a mental health concern. There were 145,000 people in the state who did not receive the care they needed and 1,426,349 did not live in an area where there is adequate mental health care. Some reasons for the lack of access to care in the state are due to a limited number of providers and high costs due to high deductibles or lack of insurance coverage. 

So, what is Arkansas doing about the rising mental health crisis? In February 2024, state legislators and the governor approved $30 million in new funding for mental health and substance abuse treatment. This money will be used to close the gaps in care by training new providers, paying for more inpatient beds, and providing housing for those at risk of homelessness. 

O*Net Online predicts that the number of mental health counselor openings will increase by 27% by 2030, much higher than the national growth of 19%. This means that mental health counseling graduate programs must increase the number of students enrolled to meet the growing demand. Luckily, there are many programs in Arkansas up for the job.

There are ample job opportunities for future counselors in large cities such as Little Rock and rural communities. Arkansas counselors may join the Arkansas Counseling Association to network with other counselors and expand their education.

Accredited Counseling Programs Accepting Arkansas Applicants

Master of Counseling Programs in Arkansas

To become a licensed counselor in Arkansas, one must have a master’s degree in clinical mental health counseling with 60 credit hours. Although there are no accreditation requirements for counseling education in the state, many people choose an accredited program due to the ease of obtaining licensure after graduation. There are nine master of mental health counseling programs in Arkansas.

Online Master of Counseling Programs in Arkansas

Attending an online master of counseling program has many benefits. Some include the flexibility of courses, continued access to course materials, and the ability to take classes at your own pace. There are two online master of mental health counseling programs in Arkansas.

Master’s in Clinical and Mental Health Counseling

Accreditation: N/A

Credit Hours: 60 Hours

Modality: Online Program (3.5-4-year completion)

Tuition: $320 per credit hour

Master of Arts in Counseling

Accreditation: N/A

Credit Hours: 63 Hours

Modality: Online Program

Tuition: $550 per credit hour

CACREP-Accredited Master of Counseling Programs in Arkansas

Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) accreditation is becoming an increasingly popular feature of many master of counseling programs nationwide. Attending a CACREP-accredited graduate program can help you meet the counseling licensure requirements in most states. There are five CACREP-accredited master of counseling programs in Arkansas.

Arkansas State University

  • Jonesboro, AR
  • In-person

Specialist in Education in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Accreditation: CACREP

Credit Hours: 60 Hours

In-person program located in Jonesboro, AR

Tuition: $381 per credit hour

Harding University

  • Searcy, AR
  • Hybrid + In-person

Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Accreditation: CACREP

Credit Hours: 60 Hours (2-year completion)

Hybrid/in-person program located in Searcy, AR

Tuition: $610 per credit hour

Henderson State University

  • Arkadelphia, AR
  • In-person

Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Accreditation: CACREP

Credit Hours: 60 Hours

In-person program located in Arkadelphia, AR

Tuition: $366 per credit hour

John Brown University

  • Siloam Springs, AR
  • In-person

Master of Science in Counseling

Accreditation: CACREP

Credit Hours: 60 Hours

In-person program located in Siloam Springs, AR

Tuition: $600 per credit hour

University of Arkansas

  • Fayetteville, AR
  • In-person

Master of Science in Counseling

Accreditation: CACREP

Credit Hours: 60 Hours

In-person program located in Fayetteville, AR

GRE required for GPA less than 2.7

Tuition: $446.29 per credit hour

Arkansas Online, No GRE & CAREP Accredited Counseling Masters Programs

SpecialtyUniversity NameDegreeCityStateAccreditationModalityGRE Required?Program LengthURL
Clinical Mental Health CounselingArkansas State UniversityEd.S.State UniversityARCACREPCampusNo GRE RequiredClinical Mental Health Counseling
School CounselingHarding UniversityM.S.SearcyARCACREPCampus60 credit hoursSchool Counseling
Clinical Mental Health CounselingHarding UniversityM.S.SearcyARCACREPCampus2 YearsClinical Mental Health Counseling
School CounselingHenderson State UniversityM.S.E.ArkadelphiaARCACREPNo GRE RequiredSchool Counseling
Clinical Mental Health CounselingHenderson State UniversityM.S.ArkadelphiaARCACREPCampusNo GRE Required60 credit hoursClinical Mental Health Counseling
Rehabilitation CounselingUniversity of ArkansasM.S.FayettevilleARCACREPNo GRE Required5 YearsRehabilitation Counseling
Clinical Mental Health CounselingUniversity of ArkansasM.S.FayettevilleARCACREPCampusNo GRE RequiredClinical Mental Health Counseling
School CounselingUniversity of ArkansasM.S.FayettevilleARCACREPOnline & Campus2-3 YearsSchool Counseling
Clinical Mental Health CounselingUniversity of Arkansas at Little RockM.A.Little RockARCAEPOnlineNo GRE Required3 YearsClinical Mental Health Counseling
Clinical and Mental Health Counseling MastersSouthern Arkansas UniversityM.A.MagnoliaARCACREPOnlineNo GRE Required3.5 – 4 yearsClinical and Mental Health Counseling Masters
Counseling PsychologyUniversity of Central ArkansasM.SConwayARCACREPOnline & CampusGRE Required2 YearsCounseling Psychology

Additional Counseling Programs

No GRE Required Master of Counseling Programs in Arkansas

The Graduate Records Examination (GRE) is a standardized test used to determine the aptitude of potential college admittance. However, many people get anxious about standardized tests or do not want their college admission based on test scores. 

Recently, programs have started recognizing that low GRE scores do not necessarily mean someone will not do well in their program. That is why many programs waive the requirement to take the GRE for admittance. 

There are six master of mental health counseling programs in Arkansas that do not require the GRE. There are two master of mental health counseling programs in Arkansas that do not require the GRE for applicants with an undergraduate GPA higher than 2.7 on a 4.0 scale. 

Two programs under the online programs category do not require the GRE for admission and are at Southern Arkansas University and Ouachita Baptist University. Four programs under the CACREP-accredited programs category do not require the GRE for admission and are at Arkansas State University, Harding University, Henderson State University, John Brown University, and the University of Arkansas. The following programs do not require the GRE for admission and do not fall under the above categories:

University of Arkansas Little Rock

  • Little Rock, Arkansas
  • In-person

Master of Arts in Counseling

Accreditation: N/A

Credit Hours: 60 Hours

In-person program located in Little Rock, Arkansas

GRE not required for GPA above 2.7

Tuition: $335 per credit hour

Arkansas Tech University

  • Russellville, AR
  • Hybrid + In-person

Master’s in Counseling

Accreditation: N/A

Credit Hours: 60 Hours

Hybrid/In-person program located in Russellville, AR

Tuition: $314.50 per credit hour

Most Affordable Master of Counseling Program in Arkansas

Some people consider choosing an affordable master of counseling program just as important as choosing one that meets the licensure criteria. Arkansas has many programs that are deemed affordable but the one that has the best pricetag is at Arkansas Tech University. This program costs $314.50 per credit hour for in-state students.

Accelerated Master of Counseling Programs in Arkansas

Many people seek out a master of counseling program that is affordable and does not take a long time to finish. Although no programs are advertised as accelerated in Arkansas, Harding University reports that their program can be completed in two years. The average time to complete a counseling program is two to four years, so finishing in two years at Harding University is the closest to an accelerated program in Arkansas.

Required Courses for Licensure in Arkansas

Since master of counseling programs in Arkansas are not required to be accredited, the Arkansas Board of Examiners requires certain course topics to be studied to obtain licensure. The course topics required to obtain licensure include:

  • Professional Identity & Ethics
  • Social and Cultural Diversity
  • Human Growth and Development
  • Career Development
  • Helping Relations
  • Group Work
  • Assessment
  • Research and Program Evaluation
  • Abnormal Psychology/DSM and ICD Use/Psychopathology
  • Family & Relationship
  • Use of Technology in Counseling/Therapy
  • Practicum/Internship

Arkansas Counseling Licensure Requirements

There are two stages of mental health counselor licensure in Arkansas. Those stages are the Licensed Associate Counseling (LAC) and the Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC). The difference between the two is that an LAC must be supervised and an LPC can practice independently and hold privileged communication. 

Licensed Associate Counselor (LAC):
To become a LAC in Arkansas one must graduate with a master’s or doctoral degree in clinical mental health counseling that contains 60 credit hours and meets the course requirements above. Upon graduation, future LACs must take and pass the National Counselor Examination (NCE). Following the passage of the NCE, an applicant must complete an oral examination in front of the Arkansas Board of Examiners. Those with this license must be supervised by a state-approved supervisor. 

Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC):
The highest level of professional counseling licensure in Arkansas is the LPC. Those with this license can practice independently. To become an LPC one must first obtain their LAC license and have 3,000 hours of client contact. Upon completion of all 3,000 hours, one may apply for an LPC license.

Arkansas Counseling FAQs

How many hours of continuing education are required to renew my license?
24 hours of continuing education are required during each two-year renewal period. Six of the 24 hours must be in professional ethics.

How Much Does a Mental Health Counselor Make in Arkansas

According to O*Net Online, a mental health counselor in Arkansas makes an average of $56,730 per year. This is higher than the national average of $53,710.

How to Become a School Counselor in Arkansas

Some people have a special interest in counseling school-aged children in their learning environment. School counselors are professionals who can provide counseling sessions in schools, plan schedules, and coordinate education and home responsibilities with families. 

Arkansas State University offers a school counseling program and reports the state requirements for licensure in the state. To become a school counselor in Arkansas one must have a bachelor’s degree in any field (no teaching experience required) and a master’s degree in school counseling. While attending a graduate program in school counseling, one must have completed a 100-hour practicum and a 600-hour internship with 240 hours of direct client contact. Upon graduation, one must pass the Praxis II School Guidance and Counseling exam.

How Much Does a School Counselor Make in Arkansas

According to O*Net Online, the average salary for a school counselor in Arkansas is $57,780. This is less than the national average of $61,710.

How to Become a Substance Abuse Counselor in Arkansas

A substance abuse counselor can complete many of the same work tasks as someone with a clinical mental health background, however, they focus mainly on those with substance use disorders. Having experience and education in dual-diagnosis of substance and mental health disorders is beneficial to many employers and can help many clients. 

According to the Arkansas Substance Abuse Certification Board (ASACB), there are four stages of substance abuse counselor licensure. The four stages are Counselor in Training (CIT), Alcohol and Drug Counselor (ADC), Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor (AADC), and Clinical Supervisor (CS). 

Counselor in Training (CIT):
Those looking to become substance abuse counselors in Arkansas must first start as a trainee. People in training can have education experience ranging from a high school diploma/GED to a graduate degree. 

Alcohol and Drug Counselor (ADC):
To obtain this stage of licensure, one must have 3 years and 6,000 hours of supervised work experience as a CIT under an approved supervisor. The Board reports that those with an associate’s degree can take off 1,000 hours from the required 6,000, those with a bachelor’s degree can take off 2,000 hours, and those with an advanced degree can take off 4,000 hours. Education requirements for the initial license include 300 hours in the substance abuse counselor domain.

Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor (AADC):
Those seeking to obtain the AADC license must have 2,000 hours of supervised experience as an ADC and have a master’s degree in a behavioral health or human services field with a clinical application/internship/practicum. 

Clinical Supervisor (CS):
Those seeking to become a CS in Arkansas must meet all requirements for the above licenses as well as obtain 30 hours of formal education in clinical supervision.

How Much Does a Substance Abuse Counselor Make in Arkansas

According to O*Net Online, the average yearly salary of a substance abuse counselor in Arkansas is $56,730.

What Other Career Options Are Available to Those with a Degree in Mental Health Counseling

The skills learned in a Master’s of Counseling program open the door for many positions outside the counseling profession. Some important skills learned in a graduate program and the counseling field include communication, problem-solving, and crises. Positions one can hold with this degree include human resources, governmental social services, education, and non-profit leadership. Many mental health counselors also get into counseling consulting to provide business support and training to other counselors.