Alexander BuCher

Written by Alexander BuCher

Licensed Professional Counselor | Youngstown State University

Updated & Fact Checked: 11/21/23

Louisiana is a state in the Southern United States known for its bayous and lively nightlife in New Orleans. However, the state has been through a lot in its time, such as continuing to experience the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina almost 20 years later. As a result, there is a great need for mental health counselors in the state. According to O*Net Online, the need for mental health counselors is expected to increase by 11%. Luckily, there are master’s in counseling programs based in Louisiana that help meet the need for counselors in the state.

Additional Counseling Programs

Master of Counseling Programs in Louisiana

According to the Licensed Professional Counselor Board of Examiners in Louisiana, to become a mental health counselor in Louisiana, one must graduate with 60 credit hours of graduate coursework from a regionally accredited program. Many programs in the state meet the needs for licensure. There are programs online that are accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), or do not require the Graduate Records Examination (GRE).

Online Master of Counseling Programs in Louisiana

There are many benefits to choosing an online master of counseling program. Some of those benefits include flexibility of courses, continuous access to course materials, and enjoying the Big Easy while attending classes. Two programs in Louisiana offer the flexibility of online courses and meet the state’s licensure requirements.

(GRE not required)

(GRE required for undergraduate GPA below 2.75)

Additional Counseling Programs

CACREP-Accredited Master of Counseling Programs in Louisiana

There are many benefits to attending a CACREP-accredited Master of Counseling program. The greatest benefit is that you will meet the licensing requirements for most states. There is also the benefit of uniformity among other counseling programs nationwide. 12 programs in Louisiana are CACREP accredited. Two of those programs are located under the Online Programs category. They are at the University of Holy Cross and the University of Louisiana at Monroe.

(GRE required)

  • Program: Master of Education in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • Accreditation: CACREP
  • 60 Credit Hours
  • In-person program located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana
  • Tuition: $12,533 per year (based on 9 credit hour semesters) for Louisiana residents
  • Tuition: $29,448 per year (based on 9 credit hour semesters) for non-residents of Louisiana

(GRE not required)

  • Program: Master of Science in Counseling
  • Accreditation: CACREP
  • 60 Credit Hours
  • In-person program located in Shreveport, Louisiana
  • Tuition: $408.26 per credit hour tuition and fees for Louisiana residents
  • Tuition: $1,102.55 per credit hour tuition and fees for non-residents of Louisiana

(GRE required for undergraduate GPA below 3.0)

  • Program: Master of Science in Counseling
  • Accreditation: CACREP
  • 60 Credit Hours
  • In-person program located in New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Tuition: $818 per credit hour plus fees

(GRE required)

(GRE required depending on undergraduate GPA)

  • Program: Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • Accreditation: CACREP
  • 60 Credit Hours
  • In-person program located in Thibodaux, Louisiana
  • Tuition: $3,932.67 per 9 credit hour semester for Louisiana residents
  • Tuition: $9,398.31 per 9 credit hour semester for non-residents of Louisiana

(GRE not required)

  • Program: Master of Arts in Counseling
  • Accreditation: CACREP
  • 60 Credit Hours
  • Partially online program with most courses in-person in Natchitoches, Louisiana
  • Tuition: $9,769 per academic year for tuition and fees for Louisiana residents
  • Tuition: $20,557 per academic year for tuition and fees for non-residents of Louisiana

(GRE required)

  • Program: Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • Accreditation: CACREP
  • 60 Credit Hours
  • Hybrid/in-person program located in Hammond, Louisiana
  • Tuition: $8,560 per academic year tuition and fees for Louisiana residents
  • Tuition: $21,036 per academic year tuition and fees for non-residents of Louisiana

(GRE required)

  • Program: Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • Accreditation: CACREP
  • 60 Credit Hours
  • In-person program located in Lafayette, Louisiana 
  • Tuition: $5,092 for a 9-credit hour semester for Louisiana residents
  • Tuition: $11,956 for a 9-credit hour semester for non-residents of Louisiana

(GRE not required)

  • Program: Master of Education in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • Accreditation: CACREP
  • 60 Credit Hours
  • In-person program in New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Tuition: $4,554 per 9-credit hour semester for Louisiana residents
  • Tuition: $6,839 per 9-credit hour semester for non-residents of Louisiana

(GRE required)

No GRE Required Master of Counseling Programs in Louisiana

The Graduate Records Examination (GRE) is a standardized test used to determine the aptitude of potential college admitants. However, many people get anxious about standardized tests or do not want their college admission based on test scores. Four programs in Louisiana do not require the GRE. Three programs in Louisiana do not require the GRE depending on the applicant’s undergraduate GPA. 

The four programs that do not require the GRE are the University of Holy Cross, Louisiana State University – Shreveport, Northwestern State University of Louisiana, and the University of New Orleans. 

The three programs that do not require the GRE depending on GPA are the University of Louisiana at Monroe, Nicholls State University, and Loyola University.

Most Affordable Master in Counseling Program in Louisiana

When broken down by cost per credit hour, the most affordable counseling program is located at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. This program costs $315 per credit hour plus fees.

Accelerated Master in Counseling Programs in Louisiana

There is not a program in Louisiana that is advertised as accelerated. However, all programs on the list above are CACREP-accredited, and therefore all contain 60 credit hours. Depending on course scheduling, it may be possible to complete the courses at an accelerated rate depending on program requirements.

Louisiana Online, No GRE & CAREP Accredited Counseling Masters Programs

SpecialtyUniversity NameDegreeCityStateAccreditationModalityGRE Required?Program Length
School CounselingLouisiana State UniversityM.Ed.Baton RougeLACACREPCampusNo GRE Required3 Years
Clinical Mental Health CounselingLouisiana State UniversityM.Ed.Baton RougeLACACREPCampusNo GRE Required3 Years
Clinical Mental Health Counseling and Clinical Rehabilitation CounselingLouisiana State University Health Sciences CenterM.HS.New OrleansLACACREP
Clinical Mental Health CounselingLouisiana State University ShreveportM.S.ShreveportLACACREPCampusNo GRE Required1 Years
Clinical Mental Health CounselingLoyola University New OrleansM.S.New OrleansLACACREPCampusNo GRE Required2 Years
Marriage, Couple and Family CounselingLoyola University New OrleansM.S.New OrleansLACACREP
School CounselingMcNeese State UniversityM.Ed.Lake CharlesLACACREP
Clinical Mental Health CounselingNew Orleans Baptist Theological SeminaryM.A.New OrleansLACACREP
Marriage, Couple and Family CounselingNew Orleans Baptist Theological SeminaryM.A./M.Div.New OrleansLACACREP
School CounselingNicholls State UniversityM.Ed.ThibodauxLACACREP
Clinical Mental Health CounselingNicholls State UniversityM.A.ThibodauxLACACREP
School CounselingNorthwestern State University of LouisianaM.A.NatchitochesLACACREP
Clinical Mental Health CounselingNorthwestern State University of LouisianaM.A.NatchitochesLACACREP
Clinical Mental Health CounselingSoutheastern Louisiana UniversityM.S.HammondLACACREPCampusGRE Required2 Years
School CounselingSoutheastern Louisiana UniversityM.S.HammondLACACREP
Marriage, Couple and Family CounselingSoutheastern Louisiana UniversityM.S.HammondLACACREPCampusGRE Required2 Years
Clinical Rehabilitation CounselingSouthern University and Agricultural & Mechanical CollegeM.S.Baton RougeLACACREP
Clinical Mental Health CounselingUniversity of Holy CrossM.A.New OrleansLACACREP
Marriage, Couple and Family CounselingUniversity of Holy CrossM.A.New OrleansLACACREP
School CounselingUniversity of Holy CrossM.A.New OrleansLACACREP
School CounselingUniversity of Louisiana at LafayetteM.S.LafayetteLACACREPCampusNo GRE Required1 Years
Clinical Mental Health CounselingUniversity of Louisiana at LafayetteM.S.LafayetteLACACREPCampusNo GRE Required1 Years
School CounselingXavier University of LouisianaM.A.New OrleansLACACREP
Clinical Mental Health CounselingXavier University of LouisianaM.A.New OrleansLACACREP
Clinical Mental Health CounselingThe University of Louisiana MonroeM.SMonroeLACACREPCampusNo GRE Required2 Years
Clinical Mental Health Counseling, School Counseling, Addiction CounselingUniversity of Louisiana Monroe (ULM)M.S.MonroeLACACREPOnlineNo GRE Required3 Years
Counselor Education Graduate ProgramsUniversity of New OrleansM.Ed.New OrleansLA CACREPHybridNo GRE Required60 credit hours
Master of Arts (MA) in Industrial-Organizational Psychology.Louisiana Tech UniversityM.ARuston LACACREPOnlineNo GRE Required2 Years
Mental Health CounselingSouthern University and A&M CollegeBaton RougeLACACREP

Required Courses for Licensure in Louisiana

According to the Louisiana Licensed Professional Counselor Board of Examiners, it is required that applicants complete one three-credit course in the following eight content areas:

  • Counseling/Psychotherapy Theories of Personality
  • Human Growth and Development
  • Abnormal Behavior
  • Techniques of Counseling/Psychotherapy 
  • Lifestyle and Career Development
  • Group Dynamics, Processes, and Counseling/Psychotherapy
  • Appraisal of Individuals
  • Ethics and Professional Orientation

It is also required that all counseling students complete a supervised practicum and internship. The practicum is required to be 100 hours of which 40 of those hours must be direct client contact. Within the practicum, a student must have an hour of individual supervision per week and one and a half hours of group supervision per week. The internship requirements include 600 hours of which 240 must be direct client contact. The same rules apply for supervision with both the practicum and internship.

Counseling Licensure Requirements in Louisiana

According to the Louisiana Licensed Professional Counselor Board of Examiners, there are three levels of counseling licensure in Louisiana: Provisional Licensed Professional Counselor (PLPC), Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), and Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor (LPC-S).

Provisional Licensed Professional Counselor (PLPC): This is the first level of licensure in Louisiana. This license is reserved for those who have recently graduated from a 60-credit hour, regionally accredited counseling program in Louisiana. To qualify for this license, one must have graduated from an applicable counseling program. This license requires supervision from a Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor (LPC-S). 

Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC): This is the second level of licensure in Louisiana. To obtain this licensure one must have graduated from a regionally accredited and 60-credit hour counseling program. The next step would be for the applicant to document 3,000 hours of post-graduate counseling experience of which 1,900 must be direct client hours, 1,000 must be in-direct client contact, and 100 hours of supervision. The final step would be for the applicant for the LPC license to pass either the National Counselor Examination (NCE) or the National Clinical Mental Health Counselor Examination (NCMHCE) from the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC)

Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor (LPC-S): This is the highest level of licensure in the state. To obtain this license, one must have a current LPC license with three years of post-licensure counseling experience, documentation of training supervision, and a letter verifying practice.

Louisiana Counseling FAQs (Obtained via the Louisiana Licensed Professional Counselor Board of Examiners website)

Can I have more than one LPC-S supervising my provisional experience?

Yes. A special form will need to be filled out. 

How often do I have to renew my provisional license? 

Every two years. 

How many continuing education hours are required for provisional license renewal?

20 hours every two years. One and a half hours must come from ethics and another one and a half in diagnosis. 

Can I apply additional graduate coursework toward my 3,000 hours of supervised experience toward LPC licensure?

Yes. You may add 500 hours of indirect client hours for every 30 hours of additional coursework beyond the required 60-credit hours. 

How often must an LPC renew its license? 

An LPC must renew its license every two years.

How many continuing education hours are required for licensure renewal for an LPC? 

40 hours including three hours in ethics and six hours in diagnosis.

How Much Does a Mental Health Counselor Make in Louisiana

According to O*Net Online, the average salary for a mental health counselor in Louisiana is $36,080. This is significantly less than the national average which is listed as $49,710.

How to Become a School Counselor in Louisiana

The Louisiana Counseling Association shares information regarding how to become a school counselor. The first step to becoming a school counselor in Louisiana is to obtain a master’s degree from a CACREP-accredited program in school counseling. The program that the applicant graduates from should require a practicum with 100 contact hours and an internship that includes 600 contact hours. Finally, the applicant must pass the Praxis Professional School Counselor Examination.

How Much Does a School Counselor Make in Louisiana

According to O*Net Online, the average salary for a school counselor in Louisiana is $61,020. This is slightly higher than the national average of $60,140.

How to Become a Substance Abuse Counselor in Louisiana

According to Louisiana Professional and Occupational Standards, there are ten different licenses for addiction counseling. Those licensed include:

  • Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC)
    • Possess a master’s degree in a human services degree field from an accredited institution of higher education
    • 270 clock hours of higher education with a minimum of 180 hours specific to substance abuse and up to 90 hours in related courses
    • Supervised practical training with 300 performance hours 
    • 2,000 supervised hours in addiction counseling 
  • Certified Addiction Counselor (CAC)
    • Possess a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institute of higher learning in a human service-related field
    • 270 clock hours of education with a minimum of 180 hours specific to substance abuse and up to 90 hours in related courses
    • Supervised practical training with 300 performance hours
    • 4,000 hours or two years of supervised work experience providing addiction counseling
  • Registered Addiction Counselor (RAC)
    • Complete 270 clock hours of education with 180 hours related to substance abuse and 90 hours in related courses
    • Supervised practical training with a minimum of 300 performance hours 
    • 6,000 hours or three years of supervised experience providing addiction counseling 
  • Counselor-in-Training (CIT)
    • 300 hours of direct clinical supervision under a certified clinical supervisor (CCS)
    • Depending on the credentials working toward obtaining 2,000, 4,000, or 6,000 hours of supervised work experience
    • Obtain 20 hours of continuing education 
  • Addiction Treatment Assistant
    • Six hours of ADRA-approved professional ethics training 
  • Certified Clinical Supervisor (CCS)
  • Certified Compulsive Gambling Counselor (CCGC)
    • 60 clock hours of education specific to addiction with six in professional ethics
    • 30 clock hours of education specific to gambling 
  • Certified Prevention Specialist (CPS)
    • Possess at least a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited university with a degree in human services 
    • 120-hour practicum 
    • 2,000 hours of supervised experience 
  • Registered Preventionist (RP)
  • Prevention Specialist in Training (PSIT)

How Much Does a Substance Abuse Counselor Make in Louisiana

According to O*Net Online, the average salary for a substance abuse counselor in Louisiana is $36,080. This is significantly lower than the national average of $49,710.

What Other Career Options Are There for a Masters in Counseling

The skills learned in a Master of Counseling program open the door for many positions outside of the counseling profession. Some of the positions opened up with this degree include human resources, governmental social services, education, and non-profit leadership.